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Found a bug?

We work extremely hard to get rid of any bugs that you may find on NovaMC. All we need for you to do is to fill out a bug report ticket within the discord, and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Issue with a purchase?

All you need to do is open a Store ticket within the discord, we are always happy to help!

Ban Appeals

All you need to do is open an Appeal ticket within the discord, if you would like to appeal a punishment.

Reporting A Player

All you need to do is open a Report ticket within the discord, if you would like to report a individual!

Staff Applications

All you need to do is open a staff Application ticket within the discord, if you would like the chance to become staff on NovaMC

Media Role Applications

All you need to do is open a Media application ticket within the discord, if you would like the chance to become Media on NovaMC

Anything else?

If you are stuck in-game, ask a question about the rules, or any other casual requests, make a ticket or talk to the community in our discord server.